Changelog ========= Changes in Version 1.8.0 ------------------------ This release requires either Python 2.6 or 2.7. Python 2.4 and 2.5 are no longer supported. There are no concrete plans for Python 3 compatibility yet. Features ~~~~~~~~ - Add configurable ``socket_factory`` attribute and constructor parameter to :class:`~.ConnectionPool` and :class:`~.SystemManager`. - Add SSL support via the new ``socket_factory`` attribute. - Add support for :class:`~.DynamicCompositeType` - Add mock support through a new :mod:`pycassa.contrib.stubs` module Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Don't return closed connections to the pool. This was primarily a problem when operations failed after retrying up to the limit, resulting in a :exc:`~.MaximumRetryException` or :exc:`~.AllServersUnavailable`. - Set keyspace for connection after logging in instead of before. This fixes authentication against Cassandra 1.2, which requires logging in prior to setting a keyspace. - Specify correct UUID variant when creating v1 :class:`uuid.UUID` objects from datetimes or timestamps - Add 900ns to v1 :class:`uuid.UUID` timestamps when the "max" TimeUUID for a specific datetime or timestamp is requested, such as a column slice end - Also look at attributes of parent classes when creating columns from attributes in :class:`~.ColumnFamilyMap` Other ~~~~~ - Upgrade bundled Thrift-generated python to 19.35.0, generated with Thrift 0.9.0. Changes in Version 1.7.2 ------------------------ This release fixes a minor bug and upgrades the bundled Cassandra Thrift client interface to 19.34.0, matching Cassandra 1.2.0-beta1. This doesn't affect any existing Thrift methods, only adds new ones (that aren't yet utilized by pycassa), so there should not be any breakage. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Fix single-component composite packing - Avoid cyclic imports during installation in Other ~~~~~ - Travis CI integration Changes in Version 1.7.1 ------------------------ This release has few changes, and should make for a smooth upgrade from 1.7.0. Features ~~~~~~~~ - Add support for DecimalType: :class:`~.types.DecimalType` Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Fix bad slice ends when using :meth:`~.ColumnFamily.xget()` with composite columns and a `column_finish` parameter - Fix bad documentation paths in debian packaging scripts Other ~~~~~ - Add ``__version__`` and ``__version_info__`` attributes to the :mod:`pycassa` module Changes in Version 1.7.0 ------------------------ This release has a few relatively large changes in it: a new connection pool stats collector, compatibility with Cassandra 0.7 through 1.1, and a change in timezone behavior for datetimes. Before upgrading, take special care to make sure datetimes that you pass to pycassa (for TimeUUIDType or DateType data) are in UTC, and make sure your code expects to get UTC datetimes back in return. Likewise, the SystemManager changes *should* be backwards compatible, but there may be minor differences, mostly in :meth:`~.SystemManager.create_column_family` and :meth:`~.SystemManager.alter_column_family`. Be sure to test any code that works programmatically with these. Features ~~~~~~~~ - Added :class:`~.StatsLogger` for tracking :class:`~.ConnectionPool` metrics - Full Cassandra 1.1 compatibility in :class:`.SystemManager`. To support this, all column family or keyspace attributes that have existed since Cassandra 0.7 may be used as keyword arguments for :meth:`~.SystemManager.create_column_family` and :meth:`~.SystemManager.alter_column_family`. It is up to the user to know which attributes are available and valid for their version of Cassandra. As part of this change, the version-specific thrift-generated cassandra modules (``pycassa.cassandra.c07``, ``pycassa.cassandra.c08``, and ``pycassa.cassandra.c10``) have been replaced by ``pycassa.cassandra``. A minor related change is that individual connections now now longer ask for the node's API version, and that information is no longer stored as an attribute of the :class:`.ConnectionWrapper`. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Fix :meth:`~.ColumnFamily.xget()` paging for non-string comparators - Add :meth:`~.ColumnFamilyMap.batch_insert()` to :class:`.ColumnFamilyMap` - Use `setattr` instead of directly updating the object's ``__dict__`` in :class:`.ColumnFamilyMap` to avoid breaking descriptors - Fix single-column counter increments with :meth:`.ColumnFamily.insert()` - Include `AuthenticationException` and `AuthorizationException` in the ``pycassa`` module - Support counters in :meth:`~.ColumnFamily.xget()` - Sort column families in pycassaShell for display - Raise ``TypeError`` when bad keyword arguments are used when creating a :class:`.ColumnFamily` object Other ~~~~~ All ``datetime`` objects create by pycassa now use UTC as their timezone rather than the local timezone. Likewise, naive ``datetime`` objects that are passed to pycassa are now assumed to be in UTC time, but ``tz_info`` is respected if set. Specifically, the types of data that you may need to make adjustments for when upgrading are TimeUUIDType and DateType (including OldPycassaDateType and IntermediateDateType). Changes in Version 1.6.0 ------------------------ This release adds a few minor features and several important bug fixes. The most important change to take note of if you are using composite comparators is the change to the default inclusive/exclusive behavior for slice ends. Other than that, this should be a smooth upgrade from 1.5.x. Features ~~~~~~~~ - New script for easily building RPM packages - Add request and parameter information to PoolListener callback - Add :meth:`.ColumnFamily.xget()`, a generator version of :meth:`~.ColumnFamily.get()` that automatically pages over columns in reasonably sized chunks - Add support for Int32Type, a 4-byte signed integer format - Add constants for the highest and lowest possible TimeUUID values to :mod:`pycassa.util` Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Various 2.4 syntax errors - Raise :exc:`~.AllServersUnavailable` if ``server_list`` is empty - Handle custom types inside of composites - Don't erase ``comment`` when updating column families - Match Cassandra's sorting of TimeUUIDType values when the timestamps tie. This could result in some columns being erroneously left off of the end of column slices when datetime objects or timestamps were used for ``column_start`` or ``column_finish`` - Use gevent's queue in place of the stdlib version when gevent monkeypatching has been applied - Avoid sub-microsecond loss of precision with TimeUUID timestamps when using :func:`pycassa.util.convert_time_to_uuid` - Make default slice ends inclusive when using ``CompositeType`` comparator Previously, the end of the slice was exclusive by default (as was the start of the slice when ``column_reversed`` was ``True``) Changes in Version 1.5.1 ------------------------ This release only affects those of you using DateType data, which has been supported since pycassa 1.2.0. If you are using DateType, it is **very** important that you read this closely. DateType data is internally stored as an 8 byte integer timestamp. Since version 1.2.0 of pycassa, the timestamp stored has counted the number of *microseconds* since the unix epoch. The actual format that Cassandra standardizes on is *milliseconds* since the epoch. If you are only using pycassa, you probably won't have noticed any problems with this. However, if you try to use cassandra-cli, sstable2json, Hector, or any other client that supports DateType, DateType data written by pycassa will appear to be far in the future. Similarly, DateType data written by other clients will appear to be in the past when loaded by pycassa. This release changes the default DateType behavior to comply with the standard, millisecond-based format. **If you use DateType, and you upgrade to this release without making any modifications, you will have problems.** Unfortunately, this is a bit of a tricky situation to resolve, but the appropriate actions to take are detailed below. To temporarily continue using the old behavior, a new class has been created: :class:`pycassa.types.OldPycassaDateType`. This will read and write DateType data exactly the same as pycassa 1.2.0 to 1.5.0 did. If you want to convert your data to the new format, the other new class, :class:`pycassa.types.IntermediateDateType`, may be useful. It can read either the new or old format correctly (unless you have used dates close to 1970 with the new format) and will write only the new format. The best case for using this is if you have DateType validated columns that don't have a secondary index on them. To tell pycassa to use :class:`~.types.OldPycassaDateType` or :class:`~.types.IntermediateDateType`, use the :class:`~.ColumnFamily` attributes that control types: :attr:`~.ColumnFamily.column_name_class`, :attr:`~.ColumnFamily.key_validation_class`, :attr:`~.ColumnFamily.column_validators`, and so on. Here's an example: .. code-block:: python from pycassa.types import OldPycassaDateType, IntermediateDateType from pycassa.column_family import ColumnFamily from pycassa.pool import ConnectionPool pool = ConnectionPool('MyKeyspace', ['']) # Our tweet timeline has a comparator_type of DateType tweet_timeline_cf = ColumnFamily(pool, 'tweets') tweet_timeline_cf.column_name_class = OldPycassaDateType() # Our tweet timeline has a comparator_type of DateType users_cf = ColumnFamily(pool, 'users') users_cf.column_validators['join_date'] = IntermediateDateType() If you're using DateType for the `key_validation_class`, column names, column values with a secondary index on them, or are using the DateType validated column as a non-indexed part of an index clause with `get_indexed_slices()` (eg. "where state = 'TX' and join_date > 2012"), you need to be more careful about the conversion process, and :class:`~.types.IntermediateDateType` probably isn't a good choice. In most of cases, if you want to switch to the new date format, a manual migration script to convert all existing DateType data to the new format will be needed. In particular, if you convert keys, column names, or indexed columns on a live data set, be very careful how you go about it. If you need any assistance or suggestions at all with migrating your data, please feel free to send an email to; I would be glad to help. Changes in Version 1.5.0 ------------------------ The main change to be aware of for this release is the new no-retry behavior for counter operations. If you have been maintaining a separate connection pool with retries disabled for usage with counters, you may discontinue that practice after upgrading. Features ~~~~~~~~ - By default, counter operations will not be retried automatically. This makes it easier to use a single connection pool without worrying about overcounting. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Don't remove entire row when an empty list is supplied for the `columns` parameter of :meth:`~ColumnFamily.remove()` or the batch remove methods. - Add python-setuptools to debian build dependencies - Batch :meth:`~.Mutator.remove()` was not removing subcolumns when the specified supercolumn was 0 or other "falsey" values - Don't request an extra row when reading fewer than `buffer_size` rows with :meth:`~.ColumnFamily.get_range()` or :meth:`~.ColumnFamily.get_indexed_slices()`. - Remove `pool_type` from logs, which showed up as ``None`` in recent versions - Logs were erroneously showing the same server for retries of failed operations even when the actual server being queried had changed Changes in Version 1.4.0 ------------------------ This release is primarily a bugfix release with a couple of minor features and removed deprecated items. Features ~~~~~~~~ - Accept column_validation_classes when creating or altering column families with SystemManager - Ignore UNREACHABLE nodes when waiting for schema version agreement Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Remove accidental print statement in SystemManager - Raise TypeError when unexpected types are used for comparator or validator types when creating or altering a Column Family - Fix packing of column values using column-specific validators during batch inserts when the column name is changed by packing - Always return timestamps from inserts - Fix NameError when timestamps are used where a DateType is expected - Fix NameError in python 2.4 when unpacking DateType objects - Handle reading composites with trailing components missing - Upgrade to fix broken setuptools link Removed Deprecated Items ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - :meth:`pycassa.connect()` - :meth:`pycassa.connect_thread_local()` - :meth:`.ConnectionPool.status()` - :meth:`.ConnectionPool.recreate()` Changes in Version 1.3.0 ------------------------ This release adds full compatibility with Cassandra 1.0 and removes support for schema manipulation in Cassandra 0.7. In this release, schema manipulation should work with Cassandra 0.8 and 1.0, but not 0.7. The data API should continue to work with all three versions. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Don't ignore `columns` parameter in :meth:`.ColumnFamilyMap.insert()` - Handle empty instance fields in :meth:`.ColumnFamilyMap.insert()` - Use the same default for `timeout` in :meth:`pycassa.connect()` as :class:`~.ConnectionPool` uses - Fix typo which caused a different exception to be thrown when an :exc:`.AllServersUnavailable` exception was raised - IPython 0.11 compatibility in pycassaShell - Correct dependency declaration in :file:`` - Add UUIDType to supported types Features ~~~~~~~~ - The `filter_empty` parameter was added to :meth:`~.ColumnFamily.get_range()` with a default of ``True``; this allows empty rows to be kept if desired Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ - :meth:`pycassa.connect()` - :meth:`pycassa.connect_thread_local()` Changes in Version 1.2.1 ------------------------ This is strictly a bug-fix release addressing a few issues created in 1.2.0. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Correctly check for Counters in :class:`.ColumnFamily` when setting `default_validation_class` - Pass kwargs in :class:`.ColumnFamilyMap` to :class:`.ColumnFamily` - Avoid potential UnboundLocal in :meth:`.ConnectionPool.execute` when :meth:`~.ConnectionPool.get` fails - Fix ez_setup dependency/bundling so that package installations using easy_install or pip don't fail without ez_setup installed Changes in Version 1.2.0 ------------------------ This should be a fairly smooth upgrade from pycassa 1.1. The primary changes that may introduce minor incompatibilities are the changes to :class:`.ColumnFamilyMap` and the automatic skipping of "ghost ranges" in :meth:`.ColumnFamily.get_range()`. Features ~~~~~~~~ - Add :meth:`.ConnectionPool.fill()` - Add :class:`~.FloatType`, :class:`~.DoubleType`, :class:`~.DateType`, and :class:`~.BooleanType` support. - Add :class:`~.CompositeType` support for static composites. See :ref:`composite-types` for more details. - Add `timestamp`, `ttl` to :meth:`.ColumnFamilyMap.insert()` params - Support variable-length integers with :class:`~.IntegerType`. This allows more space-efficient small integers as well as integers that exceed the size of a long. - Make :class:`~.ColumnFamilyMap` a subclass of :class:`~.ColumnFamily` instead of using one as a component. This allows all of the normal adjustments normally done to a :class:`~.ColumnFamily` to be done to a :class:`~.ColumnFamilyMap` instead. See :ref:`column-family-map` for examples of using the new version. - Expose the following :class:`~.ConnectionPool` attributes, allowing them to be altered after creation: :attr:`~.ConnectionPool.max_overflow`, :attr:`~.ConnectionPool.pool_timeout`, :attr:`~.ConnectionPool.recycle`, :attr:`~.ConnectionPool.max_retries`, and :attr:`~.ConnectionPool.logging_name`. Previously, these were all supplied as constructor arguments. Now, the preferred way to set them is to alter the attributes after creation. (However, they may still be set in the constructor by using keyword arguments.) - Automatically skip "ghost ranges" in :meth:`ColumnFamily.get_range()`. Rows without any columns will not be returned by the generator, and these rows will not count towards the supplied `row_count`. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Add connections to :class:`~.ConnectionPool` more readily when `prefill` is ``False``. Before this change, if the ConnectionPool was created with ``prefill=False``, connections would only be added to the pool when there was concurrent demand for connections. After this change, if ``prefill=False`` and ``pool_size=N``, the first `N` operations will each result in a new connection being added to the pool. - Close connection and adjust the :class:`~.ConnectionPool`'s connection count after a :exc:`.TApplicationException`. This exception generally indicates programmer error, so it's not extremely common. - Handle typed keys that evaluate to ``False`` Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ - :meth:`.ConnectionPool.recreate()` - :meth:`.ConnectionPool.status()` Miscellaneous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Better failure messages for :class:`~.ConnectionPool` failures - More efficient packing and unpacking - More efficient multi-column inserts in :meth:`.ColumnFamily.insert()` and :meth:`.ColumnFamily.batch_insert()` - Prefer Python 2.7's :class:`collections.OrderedDict` over the bundled version when available Changes in Version 1.1.1 ------------------------ Features ~~~~~~~~ - Add ``max_count`` and ``column_reversed`` params to :meth:`~.ColumnFamily.get_count()` - Add ``max_count`` and ``column_reversed`` params to :meth:`~.ColumnFamily.multiget_count()` Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Don't retry operations after a ``TApplicationException``. This exception is reserved for programmatic errors (such as a bad API parameters), so retries are not needed. - If the read_consistency_level kwarg was used in a :class:`~.ColumnFamily` constructor, it would be ignored, resulting in a default read consistency level of :const:`ONE`. This did not affect the read consistency level if it was specified in any other way, including per-method or by setting the :attr:`~.ColumnFamily.read_consistency_level` attribute. Changes in Version 1.1.0 ------------------------ This release adds compatibility with Cassandra 0.8, including support for counters and key_validation_class. This release is backwards-compatible with Cassandra 0.7, and can support running against a mixed cluster of both Cassandra 0.7 and 0.8. Changes related to Cassandra 0.8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Addition of :data:`~.system_manager.COUNTER_COLUMN_TYPE` to :mod:`~.system_manager`. - Several new column family attributes, including ``key_validation_class``, ``replicate_on_write``, ``merge_shards_chance``, ``row_cache_provider``, and ``key_alias``. - The new :meth:`.ColumnFamily.add()` and :meth:`.ColumnFamily.remove_counter()` methods. - Support for counters in :mod:`pycassa.batch` and :meth:`.ColumnFamily.batch_insert()`. - Autopacking of keys based on ``key_validation_class``. Other Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - :meth:`.ColumnFamily.multiget()` now has a `buffer_size` parameter - :meth:`.ColumnFamily.multiget_count()` now returns rows in the order that the keys were passed in, similar to how :meth:`~.ColumnFamily.multiget()` behaves. It also uses the :attr:`~.ColumnFamily.dict_class` attribute for the containing class instead of always using a :class:`dict`. - Autpacking behavior is now more transparent and configurable, allowing the user to get functionality similar to the CLI's ``assume`` command, whereby items are packed and unpacked as though they were a certain data type, even if Cassandra does not use a matching comparator type or validation class. This behavior can be controlled through the following attributes: - :attr:`.ColumnFamily.column_name_class` - :attr:`.ColumnFamily.super_column_name_class` - :attr:`.ColumnFamily.key_validation_class` - :attr:`.ColumnFamily.default_validation_class` - :attr:`.ColumnFamily.column_validators` - A :class:`.ColumnFamily` may reload its schema to handle changes in validation classes with :meth:`.ColumnFamily.load_schema()`. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ There were several related issues with overlow in :class:`.ConnectionPool`: - Connection failures when a :class:`.ConnectionPool` was in a state of overflow would not result in adjustment of the overflow counter, eventually leading the :class:`.ConnectionPool` to refuse to create new connections. - Settings of -1 for :attr:`.ConnectionPool.overflow` erroneously caused overflow to be disabled. - If overflow was enabled in conjunction with `prefill` being disabled, the effective overflow limit was raised to ``max_overflow + pool_size``. Other ~~~~~ - Overflow is now disabled by default in :class:`.ConnectionPool`. - :class:`.ColumnFamilyMap` now sets the underlying :class:`.ColumnFamily`'s :attr:`~.ColumnFamily.autopack_names` and :attr:`~.ColumnFamily.autopack_values` attributes to ``False`` upon construction. - Documentation and tests will no longer be included in the packaged tarballs. Removed Deprecated Items ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following deprecated items have been removed: - :meth:`.ColumnFamilyMap.get_count()` - The `instance` parameter from :meth:`.ColumnFamilyMap.get_indexed_slices()` - The :class:`~.types.Int64` Column type. - :meth:`.SystemManager.get_keyspace_description()` Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ Athough not technically deprecated, most :class:`.ColumnFamily` constructor arguments should instead be set by setting the corresponding attribute on the :class:`.ColumnFamily` after construction. However, all previous constructor arguments will continue to be supported if passed as keyword arguments. Changes in Version 1.0.8 ------------------------ - Pack :class:`.IndexExpression` values in :meth:`~.ColumnFamilyMap.get_indexed_slices()` that are supplied through the :class:`.IndexClause` instead of just the `instance` parameter. - Column names and values which use Cassandra's IntegerType are unpacked as though they are in a BigInteger-like format. This is (backwards) compatible with the format that pycassa uses to pack IntegerType data. This fixes an incompatibility with the format that cassandra-cli and other clients use to pack IntegerType data. - Restore Python 2.5 compatibility that was broken through out of order keyword arguments in :class:`.ConnectionWrapper`. - Pack `column_start` and `column_finish` arguments in :class:`.ColumnFamily` ``*get*()`` methods when the `super_column` parameter is used. - Issue a :class:`DeprecationWarning` when a method, parameter, or class that has been deprecated is used. Most of these have been deprecated for several releases, but no warnings were issued until now. - Deprecations are now split into separate sections for each release in the changelog. Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ - The `instance` parameter of :meth:`ColumnFamilyMap.get_indexed_slices()` Changes in Version 1.0.7 ------------------------ - Catch KeyError in :meth:`pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.multiget()` empty row removal. If the same non-existent key was passed multiple times, a :exc:`KeyError` was raised when trying to remove it from the OrderedDictionary after the first removal. The :exc:`KeyError` is caught and ignored now. - Handle connection failures during retries. When a connection fails, it tries to create a new connection to replace itself. Exceptions during this process were not properly handled; they are now handled and count towards the retry count for the current operation. - Close connection when a :exc:`MaximumRetryException` is raised. Normally a connection is closed when an operation it is performing fails, but this was not happening for the final failure that triggers the :exc:`MaximumRetryException`. Changes in Version 1.0.6 ------------------------ - Add :exc:`EOFError` to the list of exceptions that cause a connection swap and retry - Improved autopacking efficiency for AsciiType, UTF8Type, and BytesType - Preserve sub-second timestamp precision in datetime arguments for insertion or slice bounds where a TimeUUID is expected. Previously, precision below a second was lost. - In a :exc:`MaximumRetryException`'s message, include details about the last :exc:`Exception` that caused the :exc:`MaximumRetryException` to be raised - :meth:`pycassa.pool.ConnectionPool.status()` now always reports a non-negative overflow; 0 is now used when there is not currently any overflow - Created :class:`pycassa.types.Long` as a replacement for :class:`pycassa.types.Int64`. :class:`Long` uses big-endian encoding, which is compatible with Cassandra's LongType, while :class:`Int64` used little-endian encoding. Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ - :class:`pycassa.types.Int64` has been deprecated in favor of :class:`pycassa.types.Long` Changes in Version 1.0.5 ------------------------ - Assume port 9160 if only a hostname is given - Remove super_column param from :meth:`pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.get_indexed_slices()` - Enable failover on functions that previously lacked it - Increase base backoff time to 0.01 seconds - Add a timeout paremeter to :class:`pycassa.system_manager.SystemManger` - Return timestamp on single-column inserts Changes in Version 1.0.4 ------------------------ - Fixed threadlocal issues that broke multithreading - Fix bug in :meth:`pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.remove()` when a super_column argument is supplied - Fix minor PoolLogger logging bugs - Added :meth:`pycassa.system_manager.SystemManager.describe_partitioner()` - Added :meth:`pycassa.system_manager.SystemManager.describe_snitch()` - Added :meth:`pycassa.system_manager.SystemManager.get_keyspace_properties()` - Moved :meth:`pycassa.system_manager.SystemManager.describe_keyspace()` and :meth:`pycassa.system_manager.SystemManager.describe_column_family()` to pycassaShell describe_keyspace() and describe_column_family() Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ - Renamed :meth:`pycassa.system_manager.SystemManager.get_keyspace_description()` to :meth:`pycassa.system_manager.SystemManager.get_keyspace_column_families()` and deprecated the previous name Changes in Version 1.0.3 ------------------------ - Fixed supercolumn slice bug in get() - pycassaShell now runs scripts with execfile to allow for multiline statements - 2.4 compatability fixes Changes in Version 1.0.2 ------------------------ - Failover handles a greater set of potential failures - pycassaShell now loads/reloads :class:`pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily` instances when the underlying column family is created or updated - Added an option to pycassaShell to run a script after startup - Added :meth:`pycassa.system_manager.SystemManager.list_keyspaces()` Changes in Version 1.0.1 ------------------------ - Allow pycassaShell to be run without specifying a keyspace - Added :meth:`pycassa.system_manager.SystemManager.describe_schema_versions()` Changes in Version 1.0.0 ------------------------ - Created the :class:`~pycassa.system_manager.SystemManager` class to allow for keyspace, column family, and index creation, modification, and deletion. These operations are no longer provided by a Connection class. - Updated pycassaShell to use the SystemManager class - Improved retry behavior, including exponential backoff and proper resetting of the retry attempt counter - Condensed connection pooling classes into only :class:`pycassa.pool.ConnectionPool` to provide a simpler API - Changed :meth:`pycassa.connection.connect()` to return a connection pool - Use more performant Thrift API methods for :meth:`insert()` and :meth:`get()` where possible - Bundled :class:`~pycassa.util.OrderedDict` and set it as the default dictionary class for column families - Provide better :exc:`TypeError` feedback when columns are the wrong type - Use Thrift API 19.4.0 Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ - :meth:`ColumnFamilyMap.get_count()` has been deprecated. Use :meth:`ColumnFamily.get_count()` instead. Changes in Version 0.5.4 ------------------------ - Allow for more backward and forward compatibility - Mark a server as being down more quickly in :class:`~pycassa.connection.Connection` Changes in Version 0.5.3 ------------------------ - Added :class:`~pycassa.columnfamily.PooledColumnFamily`, which makes it easy to use connection pooling automatically with a ColumnFamily. Changes in Version 0.5.2 ------------------------ - Support for adding/updating/dropping Keyspaces and CFs in :class:`pycassa.connection.Connection` - :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.get_range()` optimization and more configurable batch size - batch :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.get_indexed_slices()` similar to :meth:`.ColumnFamily.get_range()` - Reorganized pycassa logging - More efficient packing of data types - Fix error condition that results in infinite recursion - Limit pooling retries to only appropriate exceptions - Use Thrift API 19.3.0 Changes in Version 0.5.1 ------------------------ - Automatically detect if a column family is a standard column family or a super column family - :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.multiget_count()` support - Allow preservation of key order in :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.multiget()` if an ordered dictionary is used - Convert timestamps to v1 UUIDs where appropriate - pycassaShell documentation - Use Thrift API 17.1.0 Changes in Version 0.5.0 ------------------------ - Connection Pooling support: :mod:`pycassa.pool` - Started moving logging to :mod:`pycassa.logger` - Use Thrift API 14.0.0 Changes in Version 0.4.3 ------------------------ - Autopack on CF's default_validation_class - Use Thrift API 13.0.0 Changes in Version 0.4.2 ------------------------ - Added batch mutations interface: :mod:`pycassa.batch` - Made bundled thrift-gen code a subpackage of pycassa - Don't attempt to reencode already encoded UTF8 strings Changes in Version 0.4.1 ------------------------ - Added :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.batch_insert()` - Redifined :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.insert()` in terms of :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.batch_insert()` - Fixed UTF8 autopacking - Convert datetime slice args to uuids when appropriate - Changed how thrift-gen code is bundled - Assert that the major version of the thrift API is the same on the client and on the server - Use Thrift API 12.0.0 Changes in Version 0.4.0 ------------------------ - Added pycassaShell, a simple interactive shell - Converted the test config from xml to yaml - Fixed overflow error on :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.get_count()` - Only insert columns which exist in the model object - Make ColumnFamilyMap not ignore the ColumnFamily's dict_class - Specify keyspace as argument to :meth:`~pycassa.connection.connect()` - Add support for framed transport and default to using it - Added autopacking for column names and values - Added support for secondary indexes with :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.get_indexed_slices()` and :mod:`pycassa.index` - Added :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.truncate()` - Use Thrift API 11.0.0