Tutorial ======== This tutorial is intended as an introduction to working with Cassandra and **pycassa**. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Prerequisites ------------- Before we start, make sure that you have **pycassa** :doc:`installed `. In the Python shell, the following should run without raising an exception: .. code-block:: python >>> import pycassa This tutorial also assumes that a Cassandra instance is running on the default host and port. Read the `instructions for getting started with Cassandra `_ if you need help with this. You can start Cassandra like so: .. code-block:: bash $ pwd ~/cassandra $ bin/cassandra -f Creating a Keyspace and Column Families --------------------------------------- We need to create a keyspace and some column families to work with. There are two good ways to do this: using cassandra-cli, or using pycassaShell. Both are documented below. Using cassandra-cli ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The cassandra-cli utility is included with Cassandra. It allows you to create and modify the schema, explore or modify data, and examine a few things about your cluster. Here's how to create the keyspace and column family we need for this tutorial: .. code-block:: none user@~ $ cassandra-cli Welcome to cassandra CLI. Type 'help;' or '?' for help. Type 'quit;' or 'exit;' to quit. [default@unknown] connect localhost/9160; Connected to: "Test Cluster" on localhost/9160 [default@unknown] create keyspace Keyspace1; 4f9e42c4-645e-11e0-ad9e-e700f669bcfc Waiting for schema agreement... ... schemas agree across the cluster [default@unknown] use Keyspace1; Authenticated to keyspace: Keyspace1 [default@Keyspace1] create column family ColumnFamily1; 632cf985-645e-11e0-ad9e-e700f669bcfc Waiting for schema agreement... ... schemas agree across the cluster [default@Keyspace1] quit; user@~ $ This connects to a local instance of Cassandra and creates a keyspace named 'Keyspace1' with a column family named 'ColumnFamily1'. You can find further `documentation for the CLI online `_. Using pycassaShell ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :ref:`pycassa-shell` is an interactive Python shell that is included with **pycassa**. Upon starting, it sets up many of the objects that you typically work with when using **pycassa**. It provides most of the functionality that cassandra-cli does, but also gives you a full Python environment to work with. Here's how to create the keyspace and column family: .. code-block:: none user@~ $ pycassaShell ---------------------------------- Cassandra Interactive Python Shell ---------------------------------- Keyspace: None Host: localhost:9160 ColumnFamily instances are only available if a keyspace is specified with -k/--keyspace Schema definition tools and cluster information are available through SYSTEM_MANAGER. .. code-block:: python >>> SYSTEM_MANAGER.create_keyspace('Keyspace1', strategy_options={"replication_factor": "1"}) >>> SYSTEM_MANAGER.create_column_family('Keyspace1', 'ColumnFamily1') Connecting to Cassandra ----------------------- The first step when working with **pycassa** is to connect to the running cassandra instance: .. code-block:: python >>> from pycassa.pool import ConnectionPool >>> pool = ConnectionPool('Keyspace1') The above code will connect by default to ``localhost:9160``. We can also specify the host (or hosts) and port explicitly as follows: .. code-block:: python >>> pool = ConnectionPool('Keyspace1', ['localhost:9160']) This creates a small connection pool for use with a :class:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily` . See `Connection Pooling`_ for more details. Getting a ColumnFamily ---------------------- A column family is a collection of rows and columns in Cassandra, and can be thought of as roughly the equivalent of a table in a relational database. We'll use one of the column families that are included in the default schema file: .. code-block:: python >>> from pycassa.pool import ConnectionPool >>> from pycassa.columnfamily import ColumnFamily >>> >>> pool = ConnectionPool('Keyspace1') >>> col_fam = ColumnFamily(pool, 'ColumnFamily1') If you get an error about the keyspace or column family not existing, make sure you created the keyspace and column family as shown above. Inserting Data -------------- To insert a row into a column family we can use the :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.insert` method: .. code-block:: python >>> col_fam.insert('row_key', {'col_name': 'col_val'}) 1354459123410932 We can also insert more than one column at a time: .. code-block:: python >>> col_fam.insert('row_key', {'col_name':'col_val', 'col_name2':'col_val2'}) 1354459123410932 And we can insert more than one row at a time: .. code-block:: python >>> col_fam.batch_insert({'row1': {'name1': 'val1', 'name2': 'val2'}, ... 'row2': {'foo': 'bar'}}) 1354491238721387 Getting Data ------------ There are many more ways to get data out of Cassandra than there are to insert data. The simplest way to get data is to use :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.get()`: .. code-block:: python >>> col_fam.get('row_key') {'col_name': 'col_val', 'col_name2': 'col_val2'} Without any other arguments, :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.get()` returns every column in the row (up to `column_count`, which defaults to 100). If you only want a few of the columns and you know them by name, you can specify them using a `columns` argument: .. code-block:: python >>> col_fam.get('row_key', columns=['col_name', 'col_name2']) {'col_name': 'col_val', 'col_name2': 'col_val2'} We may also get a slice (or subrange) of the columns in a row. To do this, use the `column_start` and `column_finish` parameters. One or both of these may be left empty to allow the slice to extend to one or both ends. Note that `column_finish` is inclusive. .. code-block:: python >>> for i in range(1, 10): ... col_fam.insert('row_key', {str(i): 'val'}) ... 1302542571215334 1302542571218485 1302542571220599 1302542571221991 1302542571223388 1302542571224629 1302542571225859 1302542571227029 1302542571228472 >>> col_fam.get('row_key', column_start='5', column_finish='7') {'5': 'val', '6': 'val', '7': 'val'} Sometimes you want to get columns in reverse sorted order. A common example of this is getting the last N columns from a row that represents a timeline. To do this, set `column_reversed` to ``True``. If you think of the columns as being sorted from left to right, when `column_reversed` is ``True``, `column_start` will determine the right end of the range while `column_finish` will determine the left. Here's an example of getting the last three columns in a row: .. code-block:: python >>> col_fam.get('row_key', column_reversed=True, column_count=3) {'9': 'val', '8': 'val', '7': 'val'} There are a few ways to get multiple rows at the same time. The first is to specify them by name using :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.multiget()`: .. code-block:: python >>> col_fam.multiget(['row1', 'row2']) {'row1': {'name1': 'val1', 'name2': 'val2'}, 'row_key2': {'foo': 'bar'}} Another way is to get a range of keys at once by using :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.get_range()`. The parameter `finish` is also inclusive here, too. Assuming we've inserted some rows with keys 'row_key1' through 'row_key9', we can do this: .. code-block:: python >>> result = col_fam.get_range(start='row_key5', finish='row_key7') >>> for key, columns in result: ... print key, '=>', columns ... 'row_key5' => {'name':'val'} 'row_key6' => {'name':'val'} 'row_key7' => {'name':'val'} .. note:: Cassandra must be using an OrderPreservingPartitioner for you to be able to get a meaningful range of rows; the default, RandomPartitioner, stores rows in the order of the MD5 hash of their keys. See http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.1/cluster_architecture/partitioning. The last way to get multiple rows at a time is to take advantage of secondary indexes by using :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.get_indexed_slices()`, which is described in the :ref:`secondary-indexes` section. It's also possible to specify a set of columns or a slice for :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.multiget()` and :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.get_range()` just like we did for :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.get()`. Counting -------- If you just want to know how many columns are in a row, you can use :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.get_count()`: .. code-block:: python >>> col_fam.get_count('row_key') 3 If you only want to get a count of the number of columns that are inside of a slice or have particular names, you can do that as well: .. code-block:: python >>> col_fam.get_count('row_key', columns=['foo', 'bar']) 2 >>> col_fam.get_count('row_key', column_start='foo') 3 You can also do this in parallel for multiple rows using :meth:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily.multiget_count()`: .. code-block:: python >>> col_fam.multiget_count(['fib0', 'fib1', 'fib2', 'fib3', 'fib4']) {'fib0': 1, 'fib1': 1, 'fib2': 2, 'fib3': 3, 'fib4': 5'} .. code-block:: python >>> col_fam.multiget_count(['fib0', 'fib1', 'fib2', 'fib3', 'fib4'], ... columns=['col1', 'col2', 'col3']) {'fib0': 1, 'fib1': 1, 'fib2': 2, 'fib3': 3, 'fib4': 3'} .. code-block:: python >>> col_fam.multiget_count(['fib0', 'fib1', 'fib2', 'fib3', 'fib4'], ... column_start='col1', column_finish='col3') {'fib0': 1, 'fib1': 1, 'fib2': 2, 'fib3': 3, 'fib4': 3'} Typed Column Names and Values ----------------------------- Within a column family, column names have a specified `comparator type` which controls how they are sorted. Column values and row keys may also have a `validation class`, which validates that inserted values are the correct type. The different types available include ASCII strings, integers, dates, UTF8, raw bytes, UUIDs, and more. See :mod:`pycassa.types` for a full list. Cassandra requires you to pack column names and values into a format it can understand by using something like :meth:`struct.pack()`. Fortunately, when **pycassa** sees that a column family has a particular comparator type or validation class, it knows to pack and unpack these data types automatically for you. So, if we want to write to the StandardInt column family, which has an IntegerType comparator, we can do the following: .. code-block:: python >>> col_fam = pycassa.ColumnFamily(pool, 'StandardInt') >>> col_fam.insert('row_key', {42: 'some_val'}) 1354491238721387 >>> col_fam.get('row_key') {42: 'some_val'} Notice that 42 is an integer here, not a string. As mentioned above, Cassandra also offers validators on column values and keys with the same set of types. Column value validators can be set for an entire column family, for individual columns, or both. **pycassa** knows to pack these column values automatically too. Suppose we have a `Users` column family with two columns, ``name`` and ``age``, with types UTF8Type and IntegerType: .. code-block:: python >>> col_fam = pycassa.ColumnFamily(pool, 'Users') >>> col_fam.insert('thobbs', {'name': 'Tyler', 'age': 24}) 1354491238782746 >>> col_fam.get('thobbs') {'name': 'Tyler', 'age': 24} Of course, if **pycassa**'s automatic behavior isn't working for you, you can turn it off or change it using :attr:`~.ColumnFamily.autopack_names`, :attr:`~.ColumnFamily.autopack_values`, :attr:`~.ColumnFamily.column_name_class`, :attr:`~.ColumnFamily.default_validation_class`, and so on. Connection Pooling ------------------ Pycassa uses connection pools to maintain connections to Cassandra servers. The :class:`~pycassa.pool.ConnectionPool` class is used to create the connection pool. After creating the pool, it may be used to create multiple :class:`~pycassa.columnfamily.ColumnFamily` objects. .. code-block:: python >>> pool = pycassa.ConnectionPool('Keyspace1', pool_size=20) >>> standard_cf = pycassa.ColumnFamily(pool, 'Standard1') >>> standard_cf.insert('key', {'col': 'val'}) 1354491238782746 >>> super_cf = pycassa.ColumnFamily(pool, 'Super1') >>> super_cf.insert('key2', {'column' : {'col': 'val'}}) 1354491239779182 >>> standard_cf.get('key') {'col': 'val'} >>> pool.dispose() Automatic retries (or "failover") happen by default with ConectionPools. This means that if any operation fails, it will be transparently retried on other servers until it succeeds or a maximum number of failures is reached.