pycassa.contrib.stubs – Pycassa Stubs

A functional set of stubs to be used for unit testing.

Projects that use pycassa and need to run an automated unit test suite on a system like Jenkins can use these stubs to emulate interactions with Cassandra without spinning up a cluster locally.

class pycassa.contrib.stubs.ColumnFamilyStub(pool=None, column_family=None, rows=None)

Functional ColumnFamily stub object.

Acts very similar to a remote column family, supporting a basic version of the API. When instantiated, it registers itself with the supplied (stub) connection pool.

get(key[, columns][, column_start][, column_finish][, include_timestamp])

Get a value from the column family stub.

multiget(keys[, columns][, column_start][, column_finish][, include_timestamp])

Get multiple key values from the column family stub.

get_range([columns][, include_timestamp])

Currently just gets all values from the column family.

get_indexed_slices(index_clause[, columns], include_timestamp])

Grabs rows that match a pycassa index clause.

See pycassa.index.create_index_clause() for creating such an index clause.

insert(key, columns[, timestamp])

Insert data to the column family stub.

remove(key[, columns])

Remove a key from the column family stub.


Clears all data from the column family stub.


Returns itself.

class pycassa.contrib.stubs.ConnectionPoolStub

Connection pool stub.

Notes created column families in self.column_families.

class pycassa.contrib.stubs.SystemManagerStub

Functional System Manager stub object.

Records when column families, columns, and indexes have been created. To see what has been recorded, look at self.column_families.

create_column_family(keyspace, table_name)

Create a column family and record its existence.

alter_column(keyspace, table_name, column_name, column_type)

Alter a column, recording its name and type.

create_index(keyspace, table_name, column_name, column_type)

Create an index, recording its name and type.


Describes the schema based on a hash of the stub system state.

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