Using with Celery

Celery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.

Usage in a Worker

Workers in celery may be created by spawning new processes or threads from the celeryd process. The multiprocessing module is used to spawn new worker processes, while eventlet is used to spawn new worker green threads.


The ConnectionPool class is not multiprocessing-safe. Because celery evaluates globals prior to spawning new worker processes, a global ConnectionPool will be shared among multiple processes. This is inherently unsafe and will result in race conditions.

Instead of having celery spawn multiple child processes, it is recommended that you set CELERYD_CONCURRENCY to 1 and start multiple separate celery processes. The process argument --pool=solo may also be used when starting the celery processes.


Because the ConnectionPool class uses concurrency primitives from the threading module, you can use eventlet worker threads after monkey patching the standard library. Specifically, the threading and socket modules must monkey-patched.

Be aware that you may need to install dnspython in order to connect to your nodes.

Usage as a Broker Backend

pycassa is not currently a broker backend option.

Project Versions

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Using with Eventlet

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